All posts by admin

God Is Great 87: The Final Laws of The Offerings

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On this episode of GIG we cover Leviticus 7 with the laws of the guilt offering, how much being a priest had to be a full time job, the laws of the peace offering, why the law seemed so impossible in the first place, ways the laws could be messed up if a person wasn’t careful, and more.

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Going Through Who 4.11: Planet of the Spiders

Planet of the Spiders

On this episode of GTW we say goodbye to the third Doctor with Planet of the Spiders, an example of a mentalist having actual powers, Tommy being the sweetest character ever, really creepy spiders, a car chase of epic proportions, the spider queen has her own plans, and cells get a little push for the regeneration.

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Samuel’s Thoughts 56: Political Blunder

Samuel's Thoughts

On this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I talk about finally facing my fears by opening up a Patreon for the website, talk about how my health is going, pull apart a political ad that really has no idea what it’s doing, and give an update on the job search.
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God Is Great 85: Laws for Sin Offerings

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On this episode the crew covers Leviticus chapters 4 and 5 with the rules of the sin offerings, holding others on a pedestal, the dangers that come with that, what perfection in the bible actually translates to, and the different levels that someone had to give depending on who they were,.

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