Nintendo’s Newest Gaming Enhancement


New Nintendo Hardware

It looks like Nintendo plans to go the route of Spyro and Disney by adding figures which can be used with games to enhance the gaming experience. While it’s not revealed how exactly Nintendo plans to accomplish this we know it’s highly possible that it will be included with the Wii U version of the new Super Smash Brothers game.

Personally I’m not sure about this idea. If done well it could really add a lot to the games with added content and possible collective merchandise to go with the game. As a collector myself that aspect really appeals to me, but Samuel addressed a concern that I also had with this new development. Samuel feels that this is just a ploy to make up for Nintendo’s monetary issues. I personally don’t care but I feel like it could possibly make Nintendo rush this idea and mess it up to the point of disaster.

I can see this idea possibly going very well for Pokemon with so many possible figures to make but I struggle to see how this idea can be applied to games like Zelda, Mario, Golden Sun and Fire Emblem.

Jacob Carpenter is the writer for TSCN.TV and also a blogger under the name JSnakeC on IGN

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